Sunday 15 May 2011

hmmmm EMA promoting interests of those it is supposed to be regulating?

Now here is an interesting article!

European Parliament refuses to approve European Medicines Agency accounts

It came across it via Shazzie's blog this morning and really wanted to share it.  So glad I remembered to come back and look it up!

This is not only an interesting article but an important one.  In summary it states:

With this report, MEPs have stated in black-and-white terms that the EMA is acting to promote the interests of the very pharmaceutical interests it is meant to be regulating on behalf of EU citizens – misusing citizens’ money in the process! In other words, the EMA is as corrupt as they come, and its accounts are not worth the cost of the paper they are printed on. Read more here....

Just think about this.  Pharmaceuticals kill over a three quarters of a million people in the USA every year.  Yet they want to ban herbs??? 

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